Academic Resources Uncategorized

What do client rights have to do with trauma-informed care?

Chambers, J. (year) “What do client rights have to do with trauma-informed care?” in book title, p.311-3xx

Know Your Rights Resources

The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health Bill of Patient Rights

One of the first priorities of the Empowerment Council was to partner with The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) to create a Bill of Client Rights. The Empowerment Council created the bill in collaboration with CAMH through a series of back-and-forth consultations between CAMH clients and managers. After considerable negotiations with CAMH, the […]

Know Your Rights Resources

CCB and ORB Online Hearings Resource Guide

Starting with the COVID-19 pandemic, the Consent and Capacity Board (CCB) and Ontario Review Board (ORB) hearings moved to electronic hearings. Electronic hearings may work for some service users, but certainly not all. Tribunals have great power to control the lives of people with disabilities, Black and Indigenous people, queer, trans and two-spirited people and […]

Know Your Rights Meaningful Engagement Leadership Resources

Politics of Service User Labour

A Zine created by Lucy Costa and Lisa Walter, dedicated to exploring the history of service user labour. The topics we cover include: 1. Why service user labour is political: ▪  The historical context ▪  The economic context 2. Identity-based labour and working conditions:  ▪ Why linking labour to identity is problematic  ▪ Ambiguous definitions of labour▪ Precarious […]


EC Activities 2018-19

A summary of the council’s activities in 2018-2019.