Rights are Tools Knowing your rights can empower you to deal with many challenging situations and provide you with the tools you need to advocate for and support others who encounter discrimination. Example A: Albert has been coming to work with alcohol on his breath. His job performance has been slipping. Yesterday, his manager had […]
The conservative government of Canada introduced Bill C-15 in February 2009; the Bill was part of its Anti-Drug Strategy to combat illicit drug production and distribution through mandatory prison sentences. The government proposed that the Bill would fight gangs and reduce drug use and drug related crime. This Bill that is supposed to target serious […]
Mental Health “Recovery”: Users and Refusers is the final report of a study that asked the question: what do psychiatric survivors in Toronto think about mental health “recovery”? This research recognizes the emergence of “recovery” as the new “talk” of community mental health services not just here but in the United States, the United Kingdom, […]
The Empowerment Council participated in the inquest into the death of Jeffrey James. Jeffrey James aged 34 died at the Toronto Western Hospital, University Health Network, on July 13, 2005 at 1718 hours. This occurred following his transport from the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) where he had collapsed after his release from […]
A quick guide to becoming an effective voice for your community. This resource covers the arenas of influence—where you need to be in order to influence decision makers, and tips on how to present a strong case and be heard.